The Ultimate Matcha Latte Recipe

Matcha lattes are becoming very popular these days, and there are many different ways to make them. A lot of people find matcha green tea lattes to be a great way to incorporate matcha tea into their daily routine. In this article, we are going to walk through the steps you can follow to make an excellent matcha latte at home. We’ll start by talking about what you need to make an iced matcha latte and a matcha tea latte. Next we will talk to you about 2 different matcha latte recipes you can try. Without further ado, let’s get started.

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The Ultimate Matcha Latte Recipe Video

What’s the difference between a matcha green tea latte and an iced matcha latte?

You may hear a lot of terms being used to refer to the same thing. Green tea lattes and matcha tea lattes are essentially the same thing. Matcha is made from powdered green tea leaves, which makes it easy to blend into drinks and culinary creation. As a result, a lot of things labeled “green tea flavor” are made with matcha because it is easy to work with and produces a good flavor.

Matcha green tea latte definition

A matcha green tea latte is made by mixing matcha powder with a type of milk, usually plant based milk and often with a type of sweetener. Matcha is traditionally consumed plain, but the recipe has been adapted to accommodate consumer preferences in different parts of the world.

Iced Matcha latte definition

An iced matcha latte is made with a mixture of cold milk and matcha powder and is then served with ice cubes. This iced matcha latte is much more common during warmer months, and some people even prefer to drink it year round

What you need to make a matcha green tea latte and iced latte matcha

There are a few things you need when it comes to making a matcha green tea latte. There are a couple of substitutions you can make, but it’s best to follow the list as closely as possible

Matcha green tea latte

-1 teaspoon of latte matcha

-2 teaspoons of sugar or other sweetener

-3 Tablespoons hot water

-300ml warm oatmilk, soymilk, coconut milk, etc.

What you need to make an iced matcha green tea latte

-1 teaspoon of latte matcha

-2 teaspoons of sugar or other sweetener

-3 Tablespoons cold water

-200ml cold oatmilk, soymilk, coconut milk, etc.

-5 Matcha ice cubes

The Best Matcha Latte Recipes with a step by step guide

Step 1: Sifting the Matcha Powder

The first step when it comes to any matcha latte recipe is sifting the matcha powder. You may not find this step listed elsewhere, but it is important nonetheless. Because matcha is ground into such a fine powder, it is very sensitive to the humidity in the air. This causes it to form clumps once the package is opened. The matcha is still fine to use when it has these clumps, it will just be more difficult to mix into the matcha tea latte. We recommend to just run the powder through a sifter to remove these clumps. Once you have 2 grams of finely sifted powder at the bottom of a glass or matcha bowl, you are ready to continue to the next step.

Step 2: Making the matcha paste

This second step is one you may also not see recommended in other matcha latte recipes, but we think it really makes a big difference for 2 reasons. The first reason is that it adds an extra opportunity to get the clumps out of the matcha. When you are working with a small quantity of water, it is easy to find the clumps and mix them into a smooth matcha paste. Even when making regular matcha tea we recommend this step, as it can really improve the taste.

In special japanese tea ceremonies, the guests actually drink this matcha paste or “koicha”. When drinking the matcha tea like this, all the flavors and health benefits are amplified, but if you are using a lower quality matcha, it can become incredibly bitter. That is why it is really important to go for a high quality Okumidori matcha if you are drinking the koicha plain.

The second benefit to creating the matcha paste is that it allows you to use less water. At this stage you are just adding the 3 tablespoons of warm water to the matcha powder and mixing it up. In other matcha latte recipes, you may find recommendations for much larger amounts of water, but we find that this actually dilutes the matcha tea latte. With this added matcha paste step, you have more room for adding a delicious oatmilk and extra matcha flavor. Once you have the matcha paste, you are ready to continue to the next step.

Step 3: Adding the warm milk to your matcha latte

This next step is pretty clear, but there is a very important bonus step you should follow and that is to make sure the milk is warm. Because we are using so little water, the temperature of the matcha tea latte will be determined by the temperature of the milk. That’s why it is so important to make your milk warm or even hot before adding it to the matcha paste. The best way to do this is in a pan on the stove, but you can also use a microwave if you don’t have access to the stove.

Just pour in 300ml of milk into the pan and turn on the heat until small bubbles begin to form or it begins to steam. If you don’t like it to be too hot, you can of course stop the heat once it hits the desired temperature. You may find it helpful to check in on the temperature periodically so you can stop it exactly where you want it. You can then pour this warm milk into the bowl or cup that you are using and stir it in with the paste.

Which type of plant milk should you use for your matcha green tea latte?

As we mentioned before, there are many different types of plant milks that work well and it all depends on your taste. It seems that oatmilk has been a clear winner in recent years, so we would recommend starting there. They now even have oatmilks like the Oatly Barista Blend that are meant to be mixed into lattes. Soymilk also works quite well as the sweeter flavor is a nice compliment to the matcha tea.

Step 4: Adding Sweetener

Once you have the matcha tea and the oatmilk mixed in together, it is time to add in the sweetener. As we mentioned before, it is probably not such a good habit to rely too much on the sweetener, so see if you can add a little bit less each time you make the matcha tea latte. That being said, you can start with 2 teaspoons of sugar and see how you like the taste. The plant milks tend to have their own sweetness to them, so even if you don’t add the sugar, the matcha green tea latte should still be nice and sweet.

When it comes to the type of sweetener you use, there are a few options. Some people have talked about liking maple syrup, honey or agave in their matcha latte and you may even be surprised with brown sugar. Either way, it comes down to what taste you prefer the most, just make sure to try and experience the flavor of the matcha tea latte with less sweetener every once and awhile.

Step 5: Mixing up the matcha green tea latte

The final step is to mix the matcha tea latte. The best tool for this is the matcha whisk or chasen, but you can also use a milk frother if you have one. If you are using the bamboo whisk, make sure to rinse it well afterwards so that you don’t put it away dirty.

After your matcha latte has been mixed up, it is ready to serve! Some people like to decorate the top of the matcha latte with a tiny bit of matcha powder but don’t feel the need to be fancy if you are just planning on drinking it right away!

The Best Iced Matcha Latte Recipes with a step by step guide

While the iced matcha latte recipes are more or less the same, there are a few key differences that we will highlight for each step.

Step 1: Sifting the Matcha Powder

Just as with the warm matcha latte, you should also sift the matcha powder when making the iced green tea latte. This is especially important with the iced matcha latte because it is harder to mix matcha powder with cold water than it is with hot water. If the matcha doesn’t mix in evenly, it will create a really unpleasant taste so it is especially important to sift the teaspoon of matcha powder into the glass before preparing this iced green tea latte.

Step 2: Making the matcha paste

As we mentioned before, it is especially difficult to mix matcha powder into an iced green tea latte, so you will need all the help you can get. We will actually still be using 3 tablespoons of warm water for the iced matcha latte. The reason for this is that the warm water will help the matcha powder mix into the paste, and it will have little effect over the temperature in the drink. If you are worried about this making the drink too hot, you can also wait for a few minutes as the matcha paste cools down before you add the milk in the next step.

Step 3: Adding in the cold milk

The temperature of the matcha tea latte will mostly come from the temperature of the oatmilk, so it’s important to use cold milk. If you keep your oatmilk in the fridge slightly chilled, this should be perfect. Because new cartons of oatmilk and soymilk are usually not refrigerated, you may want to stick it in the fridge before making your iced matcha latte. Remember, for the iced matcha latte recipes we are using 200ml of oatmilk rather than 300ml.

Step 4: Adding Sweetener

The sweetener step is slightly different when making the cold matcha latte, because it will be harder to dissolve. You should still stir the sweetener into the iced matcha latte just as you would with the warm one, but this time just expect it to take a little bit more stirring before it mixes evenly. Once it is all mixed in and sweetened to your liking, you are ready to move on to the next step!

Step 5: Adding Matcha Ice Cubes

This next step is probably the one people are most curious about. These matcha ice cubes may seem difficult to make, but they are actually quite easy. All you have to do is prepare a bowl of matcha tea (you can see this article for instructions) and pour it into an ice cube tray. Then you can just put the ice cube tray into the freezer and let it sit overnight. In the morning, you should have a dozen or so matcha ice cubes ready to be used in an iced matcha latte. In a regular glass of iced green tea latte, you should really only need about 4-5 ice cubes, so you should only need to prepare a new tray a couple of times a week.

The reason we use the matcha ice cubes is that in addition to keeping the drink cold, they also concentrate the flavor of the matcha tea latte. The problem with the regular ice cubes is that if you don’t drink the iced matcha latte right away, they will melt and dilute your drink over time. These matcha ice cubes just add more flavor when they melt!

Step 6: Mixing up the matcha green tea latte

The final step is mixing up your iced matcha latte. If you find that the stirring is difficult with the ice cubes, you can move the stirring to step 5 and add the ice cubes in after. You will find it harder to stir with larger ice cubes compared to smaller ones, so you may want to invest in a different ice cube tray if you find the larger ice cubes to be a hassle.

Why should you use plant milk for your matcha green tea latte

When it comes to the milk you use in your matcha green tea latte, you should always go for a plant based milk. While there are many reasons that make plant based milk superior to cows milk, one of them is the fact that the casein in dairy milk can have a negative effect on the antioxidants in the green tea. A lot of people drink matcha for it’s health benefits, and in order to maximize these you should avoid the dairy. The flavors also work much better with plant based milks and because there is so much variety, you can always try different milks out to see which you like most.

If you are focused on the health benefits of your matcha green tea latte, you should also try to limit the amount of sweetener you add. The best way to do this is to just add a little bit less each time, and eventually your taste buds will adapt and you will be able to appreciate the natural sweetness of the matcha green tea latte.

Why should you use latte matcha for your matcha green tea latte

There are two main categories for matcha powder. High quality matcha, which is meant to be consumed plain and latte matcha which is meant to be mixed into a matcha green tea latte. There are two reasons why you should use the latte matcha for your matcha tea latte. The first reason is that this matcha is much more affordable, and with the quantity you use for making matcha tea lattes, you will save lots of money. The second reason is that you actually don’t want a high quality matcha in your matcha green tea latte necessarily.

High quality matcha is carefully produced so that it has a natural sweetness to it and a smooth finish. While this makes it great for drinking plain, the flavor is often overshadowed by the plant milk, so you end up with a less flavorful matcha green tea latte. The latte matcha tends to have a stronger taste profile, so you really notice it through the milk

Why should you use matcha ice cubes in your iced green tea latte?

We often like to recommend using matcha ice cubes when making an iced green tea latte. While ice cubes are great for keeping your drinks cold, they really dilute the flavor when they melt, and this can make the drinking experience less enjoyable. If you really want to maximize the flavor of your iced green tea latte, you can make up some matcha tea and freeze it in an ice cube tray overnight. You can then use a few of these cubes in your iced matcha latte to keep it cold. As these cubes melt, instead of watering down your iced matcha latte, they will make it even more flavorful!

The key to making the best matcha green tea latte

If there is one takeaway from this whole matcha green tea latte guide, it should be to limit the amount of water you use in your lattes. When it comes to matcha tea lattes, the biggest mistake people make is adding too much water. The matcha powder is what gives it the flavor, the sugar and milk give the matcha tea latte the smooth and sweet flavor, but the water just adds volume and dilutes the flavor. One way to reduce the water content is by using matcha ice cubes instead of regular ice cubes as we mentioned earlier. Another way is to start out with making a matcha paste rather than a full bowl of matcha and then later adding the plant milk. All these steps will help you make the best matcha tea latte, and we will go through them in more detail next.

What is the Best Latte Matcha for Matcha Green Tea Lattes

When it comes to the best matcha powder you can use in your matcha tea lattes, the best is the latte matcha. This is a matcha we found after meeting with the farmer Mr. Masuda in Shizuoka. Mr. Masuda has a lot of premium matcha teas he produces without pesticides, but this one is designed specifically for lattes. When it comes to latte matcha, you should always go for pesticide free and find one that is made in Japan. This way, you can still save some money without compromising on taste and quality.

I hope you have all found this article helpful. If you would like to learn more about matcha, you may find this article helpful. It explains all about what matcha tea is, how it is produced, and how to prepare it. Otherwise we will see you next time!

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1 comentario

to me the matcha green tea taste like the barley green…i used to drink in the years sugar no milk just with warm water…i personly liked it that way…..will do the same with this one.


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